Unusually Focused



A couple of months ago, I got a text message from Kass that said "check out  trollcakes.com. I am officially a fangirl."I clicked. And immediately, I thought "HO-LEE SHIT. WHO IS THIS AND WHY IS SHE SO MUCH SMARTER AND BETTER THAN ME?"Then I Googled her and found her main website with an absolutely hilarious portfolio of projects she's worked on.Cat Hair Pills, Wax Strip Fortune Teller, Lululemon or Chairman Mao -- the list goes on and on.Which only made me feel worse.Ok not really. But I knew right away I had to get her on the Podcast.Her bio says "I like to advertise real and fake things. I own a fog machine."Her stuff has been featured on fucking EVERYTHING - including but not limited to:NPR, Playboy, CNN, Inc., Boing Boing, Buzzfeed, ABC, Upworthy, Design You Trust, Mashable, Grub Street, Pix11, Food&Wine, AV ClubHer approach is entirely unconventional and she has a really sharp marketing mind.We talk about a bunch of cool shit:How she uses low-cost Loss Leaders to b