Hyper Conscious Podcast

#129 - ”Owning Your Story” - Kimberly Spencer



NOT A MEMBER OF THE "HYPER CONSCIOUS NATION" YET? Visit www.thehyperconsciouspodcast.com to get access to our behind the scenes content, courses, training programs, articles and build your dream team!!!From https://crownyourself.com/Kimberly Spencer is an award-winning high performance coach and trainer, Amazon best-selling author, international motivational speaker, and success strategist for go-getters who are ready to take EVERYTHING to the next level.Just like you, Kevin and I... Kim has had a very unique life. But no matter what was thrown her way, she owns it. And that's unbelievably powerful because we cannot change what we don't first take full responsibility for.In this episode, we talked all about how her childhood shaped who she is today, setting up an intervention for her father, taking 1 step back to take 3 steps forward, being an Entrepreneur with a young child and how she finally started owning her own story.ENJOY!!!