Flix And A Six

Episode 174: We chase a Blade Runner through Newburgh



The Basics Flick — Blade Runner 2049 Six — Newburgh Rye Brown Ale Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Tweet-length ReviewsBlade Runner 2049 is fan fiction in its highest form, exploring a really fascinating conceptual extension to the original while taking excellent care to build on but not reinvent the original world…. And then it takes that idea and stretches it over the next 3 hours. 6/10 — AnthonyAn overall more coherent addendum to the Runnerverse that… covers the exact same thematic material as the original, but, better. Plus it's gorgeous to look at. 8/10 — AlBookmarks Six — 00:05:11 News & Nuggets — 00:14:36 Fun & Games — 01:31:50 Flick — 01:54:14