Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

80. Making Room For God



As Within, so without. Our outer experience often correlates with our inner experience. It is powerful to notice that our relationship with our stuff can be a metaphor for our emotional, spiritual and relational life. The good new is that changing our external circumstances can affect change in our inner world as well. Life is an ongoing conversation with Source. Making space to listen and receive what the Universe wants to offer is an important part of the exchange. Organizing, releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us creates space for new, more nourishing circumstances to arrive and flourish. --- Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts. If you like this podcast click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let us know what you loved most about the episode! Support Spiritual Psi-Kology on Patreon. Renee's book, workbook and guided audio series "Allies & Demons: Working With Spirit For Power And Healing." is now available on