Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Rewriting Your Story For Business Success



This is the first in a series of three about the stories that frame our sense of self and how we live our life. In this episode, we’re asking, is everything we say in the moment original? Or do we have a set of patterns that are established over time that form our way of operating, our way of speaking, and our way of believing? Do those potential patterns create the idea of us, the world that we step into every day and the results we get? Episode highlights: Telling your story - do you have a set of patterns that make you who you are? Realising the limitations you put on yourself The uniqueness of the brain and our ability to practice method acting What's the story you're telling yourself, and how does it support your success and enjoyment of life, or limit you? Common excuses from business owners - “The markets aren't right so that's why I'm not getting ahead.” Being open to new opportunities and possibilities Rewriting your story - take notice of what your story currently says about you Your story is made