Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Reach Your Business Goals How To Avoid Self-Sabotaging Behaviour



A hot topic with our clients right now is the concept of sabotaging your own goal. While ‘sabotage’ means to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct something, it’s not something we business owners do on purpose. But many of us do have self-sabotaging behaviours that, if not controlled, can prevent us from achieving our goals.   As well as stopping us from reaching our goals, self-sabotaging behaviour can make us less committed altogether. In this episode, Catherine is looking at common behaviours among business owners and how, with the right mindset and strategy in place, you can reach your goals.   Episode highlights: Self-sabotaging behaviours - a common example Money as a source of frustration for many business owners A look at the reasons for frustration in business when it comes to money - not having enough despite business being good Finding your financial identity - how expanding your belief of the possibilities can help you achieve your financial goals Each level of profitability begins with an