Twisted Sisterds

093 - What Will Make You Leave (It's Not a Sin to be Gay) with Cristi Jernigan and Jen Logsdon-Kellogg



Join the Sisterds in a discussion about Stargate and the UMC bubble, a conversation with Cristi Jernigan and Jen Logsdon-Kellogg.   Find Cristi on Twitter @CristiJernigan and Instagram @cristi_jernigan Find Jen on Twitter @revjennylogs   Check out the podcast episodes on this topic by the podcasters who have been our guests: Theosophia: UMC Decision Part 1 with Rev Sam McGlothlin and Part 2 with Rev Jen Logsdon-Kellogg A Jew and a Gentile Walk Into a Bar...Mitzvah: The Not So United Methodist Church     Find links to our Fangirling at our Twitter: @twistedsisterds and Facebook: Subscribe and drop us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. Support us at to join our private FB group the Twisterd Tavern, get Sisterds swag, and even shape the content of the episodes.   Tweet at us @TwistedSisterds @sauronthequeen @calliesearch79   Follow us on Instagram @twistedsisterds @queensauron @callie079   Twisted Sisterds is part of the Inglori