Steele Wars : Live Star Wars Call In Show

Live Call In Show – Ep 34 : Hawes Burkhardt, new Darth Vader comic & listener calls



Hawes Burkhardt of Making Star Wars’ Rogue Won & Blue Harvest podcasts joins us to discuss… -Dealing with the addiction of collecting -The perfect Star Wars figure -Darth Vader comic issue 2 -Another classic Steele Reaction -The Last Jedi presence at San Diego Comic Con -Star Wars Dioramas -Steele pulls back the curtain -Crying on air -The real questions no one asked about Han Solo -Brad hangs up -New strategy for overnight lines -George Lucas's Museum -Hawes reveals what was in the mystery hole -Tom's disappointment with art in the Marvel Comics -What the comics should be -Steele's special quality that makes his pain enjoyable -Disney learning from their mistakes -Was Ron Howard lined up for the next spinoff? -Aaron ruins podcast   PLUS IN THE SIXTY-MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Steele's spinoff trilogy pitch -Guillermo Del Toro's Star Wars film -IG-88 has got it all but wants more -Hawes can't enjoy his bone -Ric Olié is the nice Han Solo -Emily gets serious -Beauty of diverse