Steele Wars : Live Star Wars Call In Show

Live Call In Show – Ep 33 : Facinating Han Solo insight from Troops creator Kevin Rubio, Scott Mendelson of Forbes, Alex Backes of Black Series Rebels & listener calls



READ Scott Mendelson's story Disney's 'Star Wars' Has Been Spoiled By Its Success. Alex Backes from Black Series Rebels joins us to discuss.... -Chris Miller and Phil Lord fired from Han Solo stand alone film -Did people even want a Han Solo film? -Lord and Miller making Han Solo too wacky -Kevin Rubio creator of the iconic Troops fan film & writer for The Clone Wars cartoon explains why Lucasfilm would fire the directors so late in the filming process -Alden Ehrenreich's concern with the Han Solo film -Ron Howard the perfect replacement? -Who will be credited with being director? -Reporter Scott Mendelson discuss' his article on -Disney Star Wars has been spoiled by it's success -Disney's risk of burning people out on Star Wars -Lord and Miller's history of making great films out of bad ideas -Would Gareth Edwards have been fired too if he didn't play along? PLUS IN THE FORTY-FIVE MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Dom admires the bravery of Kathleen Kennedy to make the tough decision