About Face

E6: Reimagining Self and the Journey in Tarot w/ Hannah Joy Graves



This podcast is broadly looking at the way that stories and reimagined narratives can help us shut down negative thinking patterns, deconstruct damaging systemic narratives, and take the power back in reimagining our own lives. My guest today is Hannah Joy Graves a.k.a. Cult Mother a tarot card reader in Berlin who you also heard on an earlier episode of About Face. While the reading of tarot is by no means scientific or having proven healing powers in a medical way, I do think that it has the power to do what narrative therapy also does, which is look for the answers that lie within us. Like narrative therapy, tarot opens up new possibilities for understanding and gives the individual the power to look at themselves and their lives in a new way. This was something I realized after my own readings with Hannah. It wasn’t about fortune telling, it was about seeing the way that my life circumstances could be approached differently. I love seeing the way life stories drive individual empowerment and the narrative