Best Selling

E51 - Sales done right with John Barrows



Our guest on this episode is John Barrows.  John runs JBarrows Sales Training which focuses on helping teams and individuals fill up the pipeline and close more deals. John also recently wrote a book called “I want to be in sales when I grow up”.    We start the podcast discussing how John "fell into" sales, selling power tools and then copiers with Xerox. From sales, John moved onto sales training, where he eventually started his own sales training firm JBarrows. We also get into why John wrote his book with his daughter which he donates 100% of the proceeds to the World Wildlife Fund.    But before we jump into the episode I want to thank our sponsors Sales@Scale and the T-REX Summit.    Check out if you need help accelerating revenue growth and creating a repeatable sales process at your business.    And if you haven’t already, make sure you reserve your ticket to the southeast’s premier B2B sales and marketing growth conference, the T-REX Summit. We just added three new workshop tracks f