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018: How to Recover From an eBlast Mistake



On today’s podcast, I had the opportunity to speak with Nicole Murphy, an email marketing guru and fellow podcaster. We discuss the unknown benefits and misconceptions about email marketing, how to use email marketing to grow your agency and how to come back from email typos and mistakes. Nicole has an extensive background in ecommerce and online marketing and now specializes in email marketing at Freshbooks and in her own marketing consultancy, Learn to Love Email. Having spent so much time working in this specific type of marketing, Nicole has a great breadth of knowledge to share with us. Topics: E-mail is old, but not outdated Misconceptions about email marketing Avoiding being “spammy” Ways to use the data to improve your clients’ content Strategies for content development Understanding what makes your business or your clients’ business unique Finding your “written voice” The terror of email mishaps Steps for dealing with email marketing mistakes Emerging email marketing trends   This podcast is courte