Pitching Pr

009: How to Come Back From a Burn Out



On today’s podcast, I have the opportunity to speak with blogger and social media consultant, Lizzie Benson. Together, we discuss feeling burnt out from work; why it happens, how to prevent it and how to come back after a burn out.   Lizzie is an active blogger and owner of OctoberJune.com and blogs extensively. She is also a freelance social media consultant and understands what it is to be burnt out. As such, she has developed techniques to help avoid the stress and frustration of burnout. Listen in as she shares her insights on how to bounce back after experiences work and career burnout.     Topics:   The definition of burnout  Lizzie’s burnout and how she dealt with it  Scheduling personal time  Putting back-up systems in place when you need a break  Taking breaks and why “Netflix & Chill” isn’t enough  Finding inspiration and avoid comparison  Remaining persistent     Resources:   OctoberJune.com  Lizzie on Pinterest  Lizzie on Twitter  Lizzie on Instagram  Pitching PR on iTun