The Intimate Lifestyle

EP099: Condom Magic



Do you know the most natural-feeling condom brand and type there is out there? Or do you know how a tissue roll can gauge you or your partner’s penis size compared to the rest of the world?   Those are just some of the things you’ll learn on this week’s very informative episode, as Matt Mandell, CEO of Condomania joins me on the show. Condomania is a company that was established in 1991 during the peak of the AIDS crisis and has been America's, if not the world's first condom source. With the dawn of the internet, Condomania created their website as early as 1995 that allows people to shop for their condom needs and more, one of the pioneers of e-commerce.   Matt and I talked about condoms, lubricants, issues, my unusual sexual fear, and other topics not as widely talked about as they are experienced in the real world on this episode with a healthy dose of humor.   Topics we’ve covered are:   Condomania’s product mix and loyal customer base (1:46). The emotional and/or mental issues involved with being on th