Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

66: Trust Your Body. Believe Your Heart. Your Life Depends On It.



� Jennifer…came to see me three months ago. She was suffering from severe abdominal pain and nausea. She was extremely jaundiced; even the whites of her eyes were yellow. She came asking me about her pancreatic cancer and what I could do about it. As she looked half dead sitting in my office, there was little I could suggest. First of all, I do not treat cancer. I explained that to her, then I tried to review everything she had done up to the present, what doctors she had seen, imaging performed, therapies undertaken, etc. It was hard to sit there and talk to her and not be alarmed at her appearance. The word cachexia comes to mind (emaciation, wasting away). She said she was through with all medical intervention and they had sent her home to die. All I could do was to offer some nutritional support to help ease her pain and suffering. I explained when stem cell mutate they produce an enzyme called malignanin which eats healthy tissue. Her own pancreas produces an enzyme called trypsin that STOPS malignin an