Weight Loss Nation

5 Minute Snack for Chocoholics! S3 Ep027



Hey Weight Loss Nation! Weight Loss Nation Today is 5 Minute Snack Day! There are soooo many Chocoholics out there! You asked for it.....and I am delivering! I've got a healthy, "chocolate" snack for you today. Remember Nation......a "healthy" brownie is NOT going to taste like a "Duncan Hines" brownie or your Mom's favorite brownie recipe. WHY?? Because Brownies that taste DELICIOUS are full of Sugar and chemicals! They are NOT good for you! If you want to LIVE HEALTHY and have a Healthy Mind and Body for the rest of your life......... YOU have to start making healthier food choices. The adage......"You are what you eat," is 100% true! Lets look at this from another angle........ Do you LOVE your car or motorcycle? I'm sure you do. Would you put sugar or oil into your gas tank? I didn't think so. Why? Because your engine will not work properly. Your car engine needs "gasoline" to work efficiently. YOUR Body works very similar. YOUR body needs "Glucose" to work efficiently. Each cell in your body requires "Gl