Weight Loss Nation

Jonathan Oakes is a Trivia Superstar Who is Losing 200lbs to LIVE Healthy S3 Ep017



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Who loves Trivia? I do! I actually even thought I was a pretty darn good trivia person......until.......I was a guest on TrivialWarfare.com I teamed up with my good friend and colleague Glenn Hebert - Host of Horse Radio Network, against Jonathan Oakes, the host of Trivial Warfare. Well......it was super harder than I thought! Trivial Warfare is like studying for the SAT's! If you want to hear me making an ass out of myself as well as my buddy Glenn making an ass out of himself, "click" on this link and get ready to laugh!  Fuggedaboudit Jonathan has lived with weight issues his whole life...just like you and me! When Jonathan decided he wanted to find the woman of his dreams, he knew he had to start living a healthy lifestyle. Jonathan lost over 200lbs and found the woman of his dreams! Jonathan got married, had a beautiful son and soon.......he started living with old habits. Then Jonathan's father passed away, and suddenly the weight started creeping back