Weight Loss Nation

The First Challenger in the Weight Loss Challenge is Podcaster Dave Jackson



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com The Weight Loss Nation "Podcaster" Challenge is off & running! So far.....we have "5" Challengers vying for the title of "The 2018 Podcaster Weight Loss Nation Challenge"  April 30th is the deadline! If you are a Podcaster and want to lose weight and start living a healthy lifestyle, join the challenge! Send me an email to - Support@TheWeightLossNation.com and tell me you want to participate in the challenge! The challenge will run from now until I announce the winner at Podfest Mulitmedia Expo in March of 2019 in Orlando! Want to attend Podfest Multimedia Expo from March 7-9, 2019, in Orlando, Florida? Meet me and other awesome Podcasters like Dave Jackson, Gleen "the Geek" of Horse Radio Network or Katie Krimitsos from Biz Women Rock! Here's the link! Join us in sunny Orlando, FL in March of 2019. www.podfestexpo.com Our first Podcast challenger has "Two" Podcasts. He hosts "Logical Weight Loss" which is all about his trials and tribulations of "trying