Weight Loss Nation

The Weight Loss Challenge is ON!



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com I was a speaker and attendee at the Podfest Multimedia Expo this past February in Orlando, Florida. www.Podfestexpo.com/2019 On the last day of Podfest, we had a classic "roast" for one of podcasting's pioneers.....Dave Jackson! Dave Jackson hosts "The School of Podcasting," which is a fantastic podcast, which teaches you how to podcast. Dave has been podcasting for over 12 years! I know.....I didn't even know what a podcast was 3 years ago! Now, I'm hosting two shows! Anyway........Dave Jackson has another podcast (he has like 15 different shows) called "Logical Weight Loss."  During the "roast," I was really giving it to Dave, because he has had this weight loss podcast for several years, but he doesn't lose weight! The roast was all in good fun. My fellow "roasters" had the room rolling in laughter. Dave took all the jokes and jabs really good. He's an awesome guy and a good friend! After the ceremonies were over, Dave came up to me and told me he was so