Weight Loss Nation

Are Brussels Sprout from Brussels? S3 Ep011



Hey Weight Loss Nation!   www.TheWeightLossNation.com   ARE BRUSSELS SPROUTS FROM BRUSSELS?   Brussels Sprout are part of the “wild cabbage” & “mustard seed” family. According to the “New World Encyclopedia,” Brussels Sprout were likely cultivated in Ancient Rome and possibly as early as 1200 B.C. in Belgium’s Capital City - Brussels. So.....YES....Brussels Sprout comes from Brussels, Belgium! There is written documentation of Brussels Sprout as early as 1587, being used as a vegetable crop and it is believed Brussels Sprout originated from a mutation from the “Savoy Cabbage.” The vegetable grows as a “Stem,” which the “sprouts” grow into a “cabbage-like” head. Many rows of sprouts are produced on a single…..long…..stem.  The leafy, green buds look like miniature “cabbages.” There are two main varieties that are grown. One is the “tall” variety, which stands 2-4 feet tall…..and the second is the “short” variety, which grows to a maximum of 2 feet tall. Brussels Sprout like “cool” temperatures and produces