Weight Loss Nation

Burn Calories by DANCING!



Hey Weight Loss Nation! wwww.TheWeightLossNation.com http://podfestexpo.com/2019 The 2nd side of the Weight Loss Nation Triange, is Moving Your Body! Your body "burns calories," as you move and perform activities. Many of you have stated on my FB thread, that you LOVE to Dance! While in Orlando, I decided to stop into a nightclub that offers a high energy, fun way to sing, dance or even play a musical instrument if you want! I visited Howl At The Moon to see if I could "Live a Healthy Lifestyle," while visiting a nightclub. I arrived on a Saturday night, around 11:00pm and International Drive in Orlando was hustling n' bustling! A tall, strong man greeted me and my Podcaster friends with a smile, at the front entrance to Howl At The Moon. "Ten Dollar Cover Charge folks," he stated. "What band is playing? I asked. "You haven't been here before have you?" The bouncer asked with a slight grin. "Never," I replied.  After telling the bouncer I was the host of Weight Loss Nation Podcast and I wanted to rate & r