Weight Loss Nation

S2 Ep019 Let's Have Guilt Free Nachos!



Hey Weight Loss Nation! I have Guilt Free Nachos for you today! I Love Nachos! I have been avoiding them like the plague……until now! I have put together a healthy, GUILT-FREE Recipe for Nachos. Now…..I can have them, because I thought about it and I was “mindful” about it. In Episode 016, I gave you awesome tips on alternatives to Potato Chips. You may swap out the Sweet Potato for any of the other options I mentioned in that episode for your Nachos! Here’s the Recipe! Ingredients 1 Small Sweet Potato ½ Cup Minced Garlic ½ Cup Minced Rosemary 1 TBLS Olive Oil 1 Cup dry Lentils 4 Cups Water 1 TBLS Ground Turmeric 1 TBLS Ground Coriander 1 TBLS Chili Powder 1 tsp Black Pepper ½ Cup Chopped Lettuce ½ Cup Diced Tomatoes 2 TBLS of Grated Parmesan Cheese ¼ Cup of Daiya Cheddar Style Shred Tools Needed Mandolin for slicing -  You can pick up a hand-held one on Amazon.com for as little as $14.99, or a more professional version for around $29.00. Pastry Brush for Olive Oil Blender for cooked lentils Parchment Paper Ba