Weight Loss Nation

S2 Ep013 The Beautiful, Sexy, Healthy Strawberry



It’s Strawberry Season in Florida! Wild strawberries grow everywhere except for the highest polar latitudes. But you wouldn't want to eat EVERY variety of Strawberries. Often, they are really small and tasteless. Some aren't even red. So how did the strawberries you buy at the store or from roadside farm-stands get to be SOOOOO delicious? By ACCIDENT! The history of today’s strawberry goes back 4 generations, where it started on 2 different Continents - North America and South America. About 250 years ago, probably in a botanical garden in France the 2 varieites of Strawberries accidentally met and soon started producing a new type of strawberry on a third continent—Europe.  This happened way back in the 1500s, when explorers brought one of the grandparent strain of Strawberry back to France from Virginia.  This Virginia genotype got the Explorer’s attention because it had larger fruit and a deeper red color than the European strawberries of that time. As a bonus, it produced more berries. But it had to wait