Champions Of Virtue

Champions of Virtue Episode Four - Reunions



Happy Holidays and welcome back to the fourth episode of the Champions of Virtue Podcast! If you're new to the series, welcome! Be sure to watch the previous episodes to keep up to date! If you're a return listener, thank you so much for coming back! All of us are greatly appreciated and so happy that you've chosen to listen to us. Stay connected with the series by following the #champsofvirtue on Twitter and let us know what you think! And of course, before we start, a quick refresher. The group safely escorted Kallista's mother Diana back to her home in Forsen. For their time and effort, they were able to procure favor with Diana as well as he second-in-command Chandra. They then decided to return to the now-abandoned city of Bryarden and claim it as their own. After bringing Kindra's father Roscoe to the city, the team spent a month reparing as much as they could and make the city habitable for the first time in many years. During their reconstruction, Lau's mentor Elowen Brightwillow, a cantan