Champions Of Virtue

Champions of Virtue Episode Two - The City Under the Trees



Welcome back to the second episode of the Champions of Virtue Podcast! If you're new to the series, no need to worry! All you have to do it watch the Pilot episode and you'll be perfectly prepared. If you're a return listener, thank you so much for coming back! All of us are greatly appreciated and so happy that you've chosen to listen to us. Stay connected with the series by following the #champsofvirtue on Twitter and let us know what you think! And of course, before we start, a quick refresher. The team had been tasked by Chandra, de facto leader of the White Moon thieve's guild to find the guild's actual leader Diana, who happens to be the adoptive mother of Kallista, our resident rogue. After heading westward towards the forgotten city of Bryarden, the gang made an unplanned stop so Kindra the Ranger could reconnect with her father Roscoe after abandoning him several years prior. The gang made camp at Roscoe's hosue for a time, helping with small chores and learning more about the city of Bry