Rain Gaming Podcasts

Curse of Strahd Episode 11



They enter the Amber Temple. Within the vault or tomb, a new ally appears. Thank you for coming into our dwelling and enjoying the entertainment. Come back to my channel for more Strahd hopefully each week and my other homebrew Campaign. Notes From the Dungeon Master: -All entertainment begins with a few broken pieces in the machine, and this show is no different. We can only improve from here; hopefully you will stick around to see what happens, be it well oiled and we sail on easy, or crash and burn into the side of a mountain. -None of us are perfect, and I believe that is what makes it fun. The books are nothing more than guidelines. Enjoy Catch episodes on stream at my Twitch: Xx_Ookami_xX or look for the rest of Rain Gaming for more Joy and Sorrow. Until Then