Modernity And Absurdity With Christian Perez

Trump Has COVID/The Debate!!! 10/3/2020



In this brief audio track I talk about some of the Trump/Biden debate fallout and about Trump testing positive for COVID-19. -Don't fall for the 'both-sides-ism" argument about that dumpster fire of a debate. The blame falls on Trump. -Trump can kill people by just opening his mouth now. It's a sign. -Biden accurately describing Antifa as an idea blew my mind. -Trump's own FBI is contradicting him on Antifa bring violent. -No matter what Trumps cult of personality will never go away. -I'm not a Biden fan, but I understand he's better than Trump. He hasn't had to do much other than not be Trump. He and the Democrats lack a killer instinct, and it will always lead to losses. I apologize for my hair.