Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

128: Charlie and Lisa Webb of Van der Stahl Scientific



A little about our guests. Charlie and Lisa live for the great outdoors. They enjoy hiking, exploring, and even lived and travelled full time in an RV with their son, Charlie. Every morning they start their day with a hike up into the mountains of the San Ynez Valley in California. The Webbs are married and have been together for 15 years. Charlie the Younger is their son. They also have 3 children from previous lives. A little about their business. Charlie holds 2 US Patents and 2 pending for medical packaging equipment. He has a Business and Management degree and went on to study at the Anderson Graduate School at UCLA. Charlie is the quality team leader with a six sigma black belt. Lisa is all about the concept to completion process. She was the sales and marketing director for one of the nation’s oldest custom metal fabricators. Her experience in an industry where on time delivery is a requisite makes Lisa the perfect driver for the fast-paced, dynamic firm. Van der Stahl Scientific is a medical device pa