Aj Knits

Portage Lakes or "Happy Birthday Nate"



Episode 43 Productions scheduling Events Production What's in my Tea Pot Materials sourcing After 5 Events 1.Wool fest June 23 & 24, 2012 at Lake farm Park Production The Juno Regina Miriam Felton back from the dead! I sat down with my charts and a stitch marker this week and tinked back the row 3 times before I found the spot where the titch was missing. I picked it up and the lace hole ma be a touch bigger than the rest but I’m back on course and in the beginning of chart # 3. This is slow going because it's not to the point of being social knitting yet. The long easy part in the middle is coming! The Hitchhiker by Martina Behm I'm doing a KAL with a friend I met at Camp Kip. We decided back on Towel Day (May 25th for all you non Douglas Adams fans out there.) I chose to knit mine from the Briar Rose yarn I bought from the Great Lakes Wool festival. I love this yarn it has a bit of nylon in it and all the garter stitches shine a bit like beads. The color way I’m using is c