Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Type Zero's Artificial Pancreas Project / Diabetic Dabs



The Type Zero Technologies artificial pancreas project is one of the many racing to market. Their technology comes from years of research, still ongoing, at the University of Virginia. This summer, they announced a new partnership with Tandem. Molly McElwee Malloy, who has type 1 herself, is the head of patient engagement for Type Zero. She talks about the studies, the progress and the emotional and mental side of artificial pancreas projects. Plus, necessity is the mother of invention and diabetes moms are nothing if not resourceful. In our Community Connection, the inventor of Diabetic Dabs talks about how she come up with this idea. Liz Sacco shares the story of how her son's diagnosis led her to find a why to clean up after finger sticks.