Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

A Teen Talks Dexcom to the FDA / Pro Football Player Brandon Denson



Two very different guests this week, each of whom is educating about type 1 diabetes in their own way. When an FDA panel considered allowing a labeling change for the Dexcom CGM, 15-year-old Caroline Dorn testified about her experience. Dorn joined advocates and health professionals telling the panel why it should allow insulin dosing off the Dexcom G5 without a confirming fingerstick. Stacey talks to Caroline and her mother about why they traveled to Washington DC to do this and gets their reaction to the FDA panel approving the change (it now goes to the full FDA). Brandon Denson was diagnosed with type 1 as a high school senior and went on to play college and professional football. He also had an appearance on American Ninja Warrior, with his insulin pump site and CGM sensor in full view. Stacey talks to Brandon about how he continues to inspire and his work with children both with and without type 1. Plus, a close call for Stacey. What happens when the mail-order insulin box is mistaken for a frozen deliv