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What You Should Know About Diabetes Educators: AADE President Hope Warshaw



This week, the American Association of Diabetes Educators holds its annual conference. Do you have a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)? We'll talk about the help they provide and how to get the most out of your relationship. AADE President Hope Warshaw shares her message to people with diabetes and to educators.  Hope is also the author of many books including Eat out Eat Well, the Guide to Healthy Eating in Any Restaurant and Diabetes Meal Planning Made Easy. She is a registered dietitian, a certified diabetes educator and a sought-after consultant. This year’s AADE conference will see something new, a live Twitter chat hosted by DSMA. Diabetes Social Media Advocacy is a powerhouse when it comes to connected people within the diabetes online community. Stacey talks about DSMA and more with advocate and blogger Scott Johnson.