Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

A Type 1 Diabetes Conference: Interviews from Friends For Life Falls Church



What’s it like to attend a diabetes conference? What goes on, who can you meet and is it worth it? Stacey traveled to Friends for Life in Falls Church, Virginia this past April to try to give you the sense of being there. She speaks to organizers, speakers, kids and parents who attend, even vendors to find out why they travel to conferences and what they get out of it. Guests include: Children with Diabetes Founder Jeff Hitchcock, Keynote speaker Dr. Kenneth Moritsugu, former acting Surgeon General and diagnosed with type 1 at age 55, Tweens & Teens attending the conference and their parents, Harold Sanco who gets the kids moving with fun exercise and activity programs, Friends for Life Organizer Laura Billetdeaux, Animas Senior Territory Manager Suzanne Hollis, TrialNet's Karen Riley & Falls Church Mayor David Tarter who has a child with type 1 and was excited to find the conference was coming to his town.