Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Jeffrey Brewer, Bigfoot Biomedical



Stacey talks to Jeffrey Brewer, former head of JDRF, now CEO of Bigfoot Biomedical. We’ll find out how he hopes to simplify diabetes management through technology and the story behind the Bigfoot name. Stacey also hears about a teenager’s first trip away from home and how a diabetes connection on the road made a big difference. Plus, what to do this summer to make school better for your child with diabetes this fall. Episode Transcription: Stacey Simms 0:00 Hi, this is Stacey. Just a reminder my podcast is not intended as medical advice. I am not a doctor. If you have medical questions, please talk to your healthcare provider. Announcer 0:13 This is Diabetes Connections with Stacey Simms. Stacey Simms 0:17 This week, I'll talk to Jeffrey Brewer, the former president and CEO of JDRF. Now he's part of a new venture, Bigfoot Biomedical that aims to simplify life for people with Type One Diabetes. Jeffrey Brewer 0:30 I pick up my smartphone, and I can contact people that I haven't seen in 20 years through Facebo