Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Letting Go of Approval and Control



Letting go of approval and relinquishing control are things that I’ve struggled with for many years, and continue to work on. My counselor Eleanor recently said to me, “You obsessively seek approval.  Stop doing that.  And, when you don’t get the approval you want, you go into control.  Neither of these things serve you or work very well.”   She’s right.  Seeking approval and/or trying to control everything can get in our way in life, both personally and professionally, and can stop us from achieving our goals. In this week’s episode, I share some of my thoughts around why we don’t need everyone to like us and approve of everything that we do, as well as why trying to control things and people doesn’t serve us or anyone else. I also talk about the things we can control, in a healthy way, and how to focus on those things to create the impact and outcomes that we truly want.   Key Takeaways: [2:46] Letting go of seeking approval and having control is something we may struggle with, but it is important to do as