Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Finding Common Ground In These Politically Divisive Times



With the impeachment inquiry heating up, our already crazy political environment here in the United States seems to be getting even crazier. Many of us have strong opinions and beliefs about what’s happening right now and about politics in general.  Our differences on these fronts can lead to us feeling isolated and at odds with the people we work with, live with, and interact with in life. Today on the show, we talk about why it’s important for us to get out of our bubble, listen to different political opinions than our own, and how we can find common ground with those who may not see things the same way we do.  It’s about remembering that we’re all in this together.   Key Takeaways [2:46] Along with many people, I was surprised by the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. After seeing the divisiveness in the country, I wanted to challenge others to stand up and pay attention to those that felt vulnerable and scared. I wrote a blog post entitled “An Open Letter to My Fellow Straight White Men,” and got