Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Finding the Talent Within the Team



Lisa Hufford, Founder, and CEO of the talent solutions company Simplicity Consulting, joins the show today. She and I chat about her interesting story and perspective on how she has grown her company, her book Navigating the Talent Shift, making the transition from corporate to consulting, what qualities and characteristics make a great consultant, and what she sees the most successful managers doing.   Key Takeaways: [5:27] Even if you don’t see others doing what you want to do, challenge yourself and go after what it is you are seeking. While at Microsoft, Lisa took her position from directing a large sales team to a consultant with contract work. She paved her own path based on using her valuable skills in sales and strategic project management. [12:08] In consulting, you get to choose who you work with. However, it takes courage, self-discipline, and clarity on your values. [15:46] When going from a corporate role to consulting, one of the biggest challenges can be the transition of generating the busines