Bring Your Whole Self To Work

What To Do When You Feel Jealous



In a world where we are constantly posting our achievements, our successes, and the highlight reel of our vacations on social media, it’s understandable that we would feel jealous from time to time. On this week’s episode, we talk about jealousy and the impact it has on our relationships, our work and even our own feeling of worthiness. We talk about how to deal with the energy of jealousy when it shows up, and even when a little jealousy might be good for us. If you ever find yourself challenged by jealousy in your life it's important to remember it's rarely the feeling that holds us back, it's what we do with it that matters most. Key Takeaways: [4:34] We all have different situations that trigger jealousy. For some, it’s about money, fame, or public success while for others, it’s the jealousy over someone else’s love or relationships. [8:32] Feeling jealousy is part of the human experience. It’s what we do with the feeling that matters. The four steps to move through jealousy are: Recognize. Acknowledge F