Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Set Your Intention and Make it Reality with Gopi Kallayil



My guest on today’s podcast is a true inspiration, to me and to so many other people in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. My friend Gopi Kallayil is a yoga instructor, a musician, an author, and has worked at Google for the past 11 years. Gopi manifested his own position, Chief Evangelist of Brand Marketing, because he wanted to do something he loved at the company he loves and feels honored to work for. In addition to his successful career in technology and at Google, he is the author of The Internet to Inner-Net, which came out in 2015 and is published by Hay House (my publisher as well).  He is working on his second book, The Happy Human, which should be out next year sometime.  Gopi is a true renaissance man of technology, mindfulness, business, philanthropy, community, spirituality, and creativity.  He exemplifies bringing his whole self to work as well as just about anyone I know.   Key Takeaways: [4:03] What does ‘bring your whole self to work,’ mean to Gopi? [6:04] Gopi has had four seminal things happen