Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Success is Being Loving and Joyful with Joe Greenstein



My guest on today’s podcast is my friend Joe Greenstein. Joe’s latest creation, InnerSpace, focuses on teaching founders of startups how to take care of themselves and how to build cultures in line with their passions and products. Joe’s career history seems to align perfectly with what he is creating now. He had an entrepreneurial mindset as early as high school, and while in college a paper he wrote turned into a joint business venture with his professor at the time. His early attempts at the next big thing caught the public’s interest, but never showed the promise of longevity. It wasn’t until he created Flixster and acquired Rotten Tomatoes, with his friend and business partner, that he started to move the needle towards financial prosperity. While he is happy to have experienced the chaos of Silicon Valley during his start-up experience and the ultimate sale of his company to Warner Brothers, he is passionate about the work he and his team are doing at InnerSpace, and also about his new adventure of fath