Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Be True to Your Work with Bob Andrews



My guest today, Bob Andrews, is someone I’ve known for many years.  He is a dear friend and someone I greatly appreciate.  Bob has had an interesting career - working as a teacher, then as a retail store manager, and ultimately building his career in the field of Human Resources.  He was the head HR for Jamba Juice and held various HR jobs at Gap Inc.  Bob is now working for himself, doing something he has always felt passionate about - executive and leadership coaching.   What does Bring Your Whole Self to Work Mean to Bob? Bob says the phrase “Bring Your Whole Self to Work” pushes a few of his buttons. He has been challenged by bringing his whole self at work throughout his career and has worked with others who struggle with being fully themselves and with showing up fully at work. As an example, early in Bob’s career he completed a survey answering each question the way he imagined a strong leader would. He answered in the voice of the person he wanted to be instead of who he really was. Then, after 25 yea