Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Do More Great Work with Michael Bungay Stanier



Michael Bungay Stanier is my guest on this week’s episode of my podcast. He is the author of many books including Do More Great Work and, his latest, The Coaching Habit. Michael’s company, Box of Crayons, help organizations to do less good work and more great work.   What does Bring Your Whole Self to Work Mean to Michael? Michael references the insights in the book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford and how the ‘I Am That’ process allows a person to acknowledge all that they are and show up as their whole person. He says there is something about understanding how you are different in this world and doubling down on what makes you unique.    Embracing Discomfort Balancing tension is hard. There is a fine line between strategy and guessing. Michael says to experiment in a way that limits risks is the way forward. He observes that most people don’t wrestle long enough with questions and they will generally default to safety.   An Inspiring Project In Michael’s book, Do More Great Work, he advocat