Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Bring Your Whole Self to Work Podcast



So, why am I doing this new podcast? Well, during my 15 years of speaking, writing and coaching I’ve gotten to know some incredible business leaders, thought leaders and other fascinating people. As I started to work on my next book, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, I decided I wanted to interview some of these folks as research for the book.  Then I decided it would be cool to record these conversations and share them with others.  So, that was the inspiration for this podcast. I want to learn about the twists and turns in their careers – their ups, downs, insights, challenges, inspirations, and more What has allowed them to bring all of who they are to their work? What makes this challenging? What have been the benefits of this in terms of their success and fulfillment. I’m also curious about the things that entrepreneurs and business leaders do to consciously create a culture of authenticity, innovation, and creativity in their organizations.  How do they make it safe and conducive for people to bring all of