Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 056 - Who Controls Your Success?



Success is a funny word in that it means something different to every single person I’ve met. Often times the idea of success is the same, but the defining characteristics of it change and evolve as the individual moves forward in life. What I do find however, is that the lack of success that many people are feeling can run across the board for entrepreneurs, business owners and people in general. When sitting down and connecting with people about their success I find two very startling things. People don’t take the full responsibility for their own success and they don't realize how each and every thought is impacting that success. What’s even more startling is how many of these people honestly believe that they do. Episode 56 might be an episode that causes triggers for people. I get very real, very honest, and down to the details of why people haven’t reached the level of success they desire. If you haven’t, and you’re ready to get honest, ready to take back control of your business, and ready to lean into