Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 046 - Cristina Aroche and The Archangels



Cristina Aroche, The Angelic Healer, is a spiritual teacher and a channel for the Divine love and guidance from the Archangels. She teaches people how to connect and work with the Archangels to help them on their life journey.  Whether it’s physical healing, dealing with anxiety or depression, understanding your life’s purpose, or finding inner peace and self-confidence, the Archangels are here to help us and support us through any challenges that we face.  Cristina is on a mission to help people remember their soul’s purpose and gifts, and to empower the next generation of lightworkers to step into that role and reach their highest potential here on Earth.   Learn more about how you can work with Cristina and the Archangels to live a life filled with joy, love and aligned to your soul, through her Soul Alignment Package: