Boldadulting - Courage In The Face Of Self Doubt

[coaching] Nora on finding the confidence to learn skills and grow projects [session 2]



In session two of Nora’s confidence coaching session series, she gets help with fear of looking bad when trying new things.   Mentioned in this episode: Homework: Move pennies between pockets to count unhelpful thoughts The idea of “Do It Scared” (not waiting to be totally ready before taking action) Landmark Forum Homework: Avoiding Pink Elephants (think of a better thought to replace an unhelpful thought pattern, as just trying to avoid thoughts tends to reinforce them Homework: Note down your strengths and accomplishments Makeup by Nora Lu ———————————————————————— Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at! Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter or Instagram. Email: Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram   All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest.    Bold Adulting seas