Boldadulting - Courage In The Face Of Self Doubt

[coaching] [content warning: restrictive eating & body image issues] Nora on finding body confidence and overcoming perfectionism [session 1]



In session one of Nora’s confidence coaching session series, she gets help with fixating on body image and focusing on learning instead of perfectionism.    Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3!   See Nora’s Instagram: Makeup by Nora Lu   Mentioned in this episode: Food Psych Podcast - about intuitive eating and Health At Every Size Tip: destroy or throw out scale  Homework: Every day, note 1-3 thing you are grateful for yourself Tip: Don’t just focus on aesthetics; think about everything your body is doing for you! Orthorexia: fixation with “healthy” eating  Note: “healthy” is in quotation marks both because orthorexia shows how this focus can actually be unhealthy AND because the typical distinction between “healthy food” and “unhealthy food” is not evidence-based (see Food Psych episodes 168 and 183).  Homework: Track unhelpful (e.g. self-critical) thoughts by moving pennies from one pocket to another or by using a tally  Homework: To cultivate your growth mindset, make 2 lists:  List #1: Subjects o