Boldadulting - Courage In The Face Of Self Doubt

15 - Science communicator and neuroscientist Elena Blanco-Suarez about confidence doing science in a new language



If any thoughts popped up while you listened, email me - Right this second, just do it! Write 1 sentence, 5 sentences, or pages and pages, no need to worry about the structure. Just tell me what you thought about. Even if it's been a long time since the episode and you aren't sure what to say, just say hi/send me a gif about something you're experiencing. Science communicator and neuroscientist Elena Blanco-Suarez shares about the uncertainties of doing science in English as a second language learner, how music and movement helps her mental health, an the surprising benefits of opening up to others about low confidence. In a bonus segment, Elena answers advice questions for grad students and post docs. Mentioned in this episode: Discovering Statistics Using Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll - great book for making statistics understandable and fun Listen to this episode on YouTube! Follow Elena on Twitter and Instagram. Learn about science