Creating Space With Christine Kathryn

EP26: Creative Expression



In this episode, we explore the idea of creative expression through adornment and our body as a canvas. We take a brief tour through history and look at how body embellishments have been used for thousands of years, in all cultures, by both sexes and for a multitude of purposes. Here we ponder the question ‘what if more of us looked at our body as a canvas for self-expression, a space to allow that which makes our soul and spirit happy and less of a space where we we try to impress others? I share a few of the ways I allow my creative self to express on my body and what effect that practice has had on my life. Join me as I propose that our style should come more from within than from fashion magazines, the red carpet or the catwalk. Why should fashion designers have all the fun? I had fun with this episode and I hope you will too. Join me now as we begin to create space...