Jon Rognerud Podcast

Facebook Ads E-Commerce: Optimize For Sales Using Only These Metrics (Shopify Version) - #128



Are you using Facebook ads with Shopify? Good! That is a great solution stack for your e-commerce business.  The way FB and Shopify works together with ease is mostly a happy dance for marketers and business owners. But, do you have the right metrics and numbers dialed in? It's a constant battle (improving numbers, that is), and as you dive into Q4 and the "season for shopping online", you'll want to make sure you're looking at the right numbers/KPI's for your business. This way, you can optimize and pull more profits out, so you can re-invest smart dollars. Today's post is all about what specific KPI's you need, and why they are important for your e-business. If you want to learn more, visit